Hose Filters

from $24.95

Hose End Filters - Hook up to any garden hose

We carry 2 different types of Hose Filters:

Great Start Pre-Filter #5044 is 90% efficient and removes the following contaminates; dirt, sediment, rust, calcium, iron, and copper. (1st picture). Can be reused 2 - 7 times.

$24.95 ea. - Price Includes Tax.

Great Water Filter #5039 is a Carbon Filter designed to reduce or eliminate a variety of known contaminants including: Organic and in-organic chemicals, suspended solids, heavy metals, lea, mercury, chromium-6, arsenic and more. Filters up to 7,500 gallons.

$27.95 ea. - Price Includes Tax.

Cleaner water from the beginning requires less chemicals to balance the water.

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